Newbury Township Hall


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Welcome to Newbury Ohio


Upcoming Events

Trustee Meeting

Newbury Township Meeting Agenda 3-5-2025

The Newbury Township Board of Trustees, along with the Newbury Township Board of Zoning Appeals and the Newbury Township Zoning Commission will meet to discuss zoning issues on Saturday March 15, 2025 9:00 a.m., at Newbury Town Hall, located at 14899 Auburn Road.

Newbury Township seeks contractor to mow and perform ground maintenance for our four cemeteries and town hall. See details here to apply.


Help Wanted

Newbury Township is currently seeking individuals to serve on the townships Board of Zoning Appeals and Zoning Commission as alternate. Those interested are required to attend 1-2 evening meetings per month and must familiarize themselves with the Newbury Township Zoning Resolution. Both positions receive $20.00 for each meeting attended.

Resumes may be emailed to or dropped off at the Newbury Townhall 14899 Auburn Rd. Newbury, Ohio 44065 Monday through Thursday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm or Fridays 8:00 am to 12:00 pm


Part-Time Road Maintenance Worker

To apply, download the Application PDF, fill it out, and email it to



Geauga County’s 2024 BIG TREE Contest winners were announced and congratulations to Newbury Township’s Oberland Park for their Champion American Basswood on public land. The winning tree was nominated by Judy Barnhart, Newbury resident and member of the park board. The tree stands at 80 feet high, with an estimated crown spread of 55.625 feet, and circumference of 117.6 inches. Using Ohio’s Big Tree ranking formula, this tree’s index is 211.51. As you are out and about this fall enjoying the stunning colors of leaves, take time to admire our biggest and oldest trees!



Recycle Right with Re-Co!


South Newbury Chapel YouTube link


Newbury Township • 14899 Auburn Road • Newbury, OH 44065