Business & Economic Development
Quick Facts
Newbury Township is comprised of 18,272.5 acres covering 28.5 square miles
Cleveland is 35 miles northwest
Akron is 40 miles southwest
Warren-Youngstown is 50 miles southeast
There are 9 outdoor public and private recreational facilities in or around Newbury
Newbury Township was originally a part of the area known as the “Connecticut Western Reserve.”
Newbury Township formally came into existence around the year 1817

Illustrative sketch of one proposed option for land use in the "downtown" area.
The Newbury Town Center Master Plan is a long range vision that creates a balance between market rate development and the conservation of natural assets. The Plan focuses commercial development at the intersection of Auburn and Kinsman roads. The Lake Erie Balanced Growth Initiative (BGI) and Newbury Township (which is in the Chagrin River watershed) has an opportunity to update its land use plan by combining the principles of BGI with a town center design for this intersection.
A $12,000 grant was obtained to complete a study to establish the work to be accomplished over the next 25 years. This is a study that is vital to Newbury Township’s growth initiatives.
The Kent State University Urban Design Center (UDC) of Northeast Ohio was appointed to support the work of the Geauga County Planning Commission and assist Newbury Township officials, property owners, and community stakeholders in preparing an illustrated master plan for the Town Center district. It shows planned and proposed development opportunities, design concepts for managing stormwater, road configurations, green space connections, walkways, and other amenities. The plan created development alternatives that support the objectives of BGI and responded to community preferences.
Newbury Township Trustees encourage everyone to visit the Town Hall to view our three optional layouts as presented by the UDC.
Land Use Plan Information
Please read this information before downloading the PDF documents below.
Below you will find two copies of Newbury's Land Use Plan. The first file is the complete document and takes a couple of minutes to download. The rest of the files are separate parts of the Land Use Plan broken out to help you find the information you need as quickly as possible.
Newbury's Future
List your commercial vacancy
If you have a vacant commercial or industrial building the Geauga Community Improvement Corp. would like to get your information on its Website, please contact: Geauga County Community and Economic Development, 470 Center St., Building 1A, Chardon, OH 44024.
Newbury Township Land Use Plan 2010 Documents