Zoning Office Hours: 8am – 12pm Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, or by appointment.
Inspector Mike Joyce – (440) 564-9220 zoninginsp@newburyohio.com
Secretary – 440-564-5997, zoningsec@newburyohio.com
Administration and Cemetery Sexton
Administration and Cemetery Sexton – Office hours:
Mondays and Thursdays: 7am-3pm
Tuesdays and Wednesdays: 7am-5pm
Fridays: 8am-12pm
The Newbury Cemetery Department provides maintenance and record-keeping for township cemeteries. The cemetery department receives some funding from a cemetery fund into which monies paid for sale of cemetery plot.
Newbury Township has four well kept, attractive cemeteries, two of which have sections available for interment of residents and non-residents.
Both Munn Cemetery, located on Music Street west of the intersection of Music Street and Munn Road, and Newbury Center Cemetery, located on Auburn Road south of the intersection of Route 87 and Auburn Road have numerous vacant gravesites.
South Newbury Cemetery and Morton Cemetery are closed.
Pre-arrangements may be made by contacting the Newbury Township Sexton.
See Also the Cemetery Page
Fire Department:
The Newbury Volunteer Fire Department provides fire and rescue services for township residents. The NVFD is an independent volunteer corporation, which is funded by a 1.6 mill fire levy which currently raises approximately $261,000 per year, plus a $70,000.00 per year payment from the township general fund.
Ken Fagan – (440) 487-5470, (440) 564-2261, Emergency 911
For more information go to: www.newburyfire.com
Road Superintendent
The Newbury Road Department provides maintenance services for township roads. The road department is funded by two state sources - the motor vehicle license tax and the gasoline tax inside millage ffom the general fund (road and bridge fund), as well as two property tax levies, which provide revenue to the road department fund.
Road Department Direct Line - (440) 564-9127
Doug Zimperman – (440) 564-5997 ext. 2, (440) 251-0155 or road@newburyohio.com