Newbury Township Hall


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About Zoning in Newbury Ohio

Zoning activities include the creation, amendment, interpretation, and enforcement of the Newbury Township Zoning Resolution. Zoning activities are funded from the township general fund, into which is deposited zoning permit fees, and hearing application fees. Contact: Zoning Office, 440-564-9220, or at  Please type "zoning" in the subject line.

Zoning - Office Hours: 8am – 12pm Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, or by appointment.

Newbury Township Zoning FAQs

Welcome to the Newbury Township website zoning page. Following is a list of frequently asked questions. If your question is not there, please call the Zoning Office, 440-564-9220.

Wherd do I find the Zoning Manual?

The Zoning Manual can be found at the bottom of the Documents and Forms / Meeting Minutes page under Zoning Resolutions.

Do new businesses need to register with the Township?

Businesses moving into Newbury need to apply for a use permit. It is in the permitting process that it is determined that the proposed use is permitted at a given location and the business is registered with the township.

Do I need a permit to move or put up a sign?
New signs require a sign permit. If an old sign is moved to a new location on a property a permit is required although no permit is required to simply change the text of an old sign as long as the size and location do not change.

Where can I get a zoning permit application?
The applications for zoning permits are available at Newbury Town Hall located at 14899 Auburn Rd. A draft application is available at the bottom of this site to help residents determine what information they need before filling out the paper application. Only the official permit applications will be accepted by the zoning inspector.

Do I need a permit to conduct a garage sale?
Garage sales in Newbury require a yard sale permit, which is issued  free of charge and outlines the rules involved in conducting a yard sale.

Two sales are permitted per property each year.
Nothing is to be located in the road right of way, including signs.
Signs are not to be posted on utility poles or in the right of way.
Within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, all items must be removed from outside display.

Do I need to submit an application to remodel a structure, build a shed, a garage, or a barn?
Any structure with a roof requires a zoning permit application to be submitted, including but not limited to garages, houses, pole barns including structures for agricultural uses, and storage buildings. Decks and porches covered or not require a Zoning Certificate and a Building Permit.

May I run a business from my home?
Some businesses are permitted in residential homes. A home business requires a home occupation permit and a conditional use. Anyone needing further information on the permitting process may contact the zoning department at 440-564-9220.

Do I need a permit to erect a fence?
No permit is necessary to build a fence although it is recommended that enough area is left open on both sides of the fence to allow for maintenance without trespassing onto neighboring property. Fences may not be in the right of way or block clear sight for drivers on roads. Additionally fences must be maintained in such a way that they are not unsafe, unsightly or be in danger of falling down.

How do I contact the zoning inspector?
John Boksansky, the Newbury Township Zoning Inspector, may be contacted at the Zoning Office at the Newbury Town Hall at 440-564-9220.

Convenient links

Thanks to the dedication and hard work of the Newbury Township Zoning Commission and the Zoning Inspector the Zoning Resolution was updated effective August 14, 2009.  If you have any questions about the changes please call the Zoning office at 440-564-9220.

The zoning permit worksheet link will bring up a draft of a form. If you print it out it will help you know what answers you need when you fill out the paper form (available in the drop box at the foot of the backstairs of the town hall.)

Also, if you are trying to download the Land Use Plan be aware it is a huge document and takes some time to open on your computer.

Zoning officials

Zoning Department
Inspector Mike Joyce – (440) 564-9220.
Secretary – 440-564-5997,

Board of Zoning Appeals
Lewis Tomsic Jr. - Chairman
Ed Meyers - Vice Chairman
Mary Lee Brezina
Chris Yaecker
Mike Fenstermaker
Scott Koller,- Alternate

Zoning Commission
Jerry Hudak - Chairman
Steve Boughner - Vice Chairman
Ed Deillus
Dave Fabig
Jim Lang

Zoning Metings
Board of Zoning Appeals meetings are held the first and third Tuesday of the month at 7:00PM at Newbury Township Hall, if there is something for the agenda.

Zoning Commission meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:00PM at Newbury Township Hall.

A majority of Newbury Trustees may be at each Township Board or Committee Meeting but no decision requiring Township Trustee approval will be considered.



Newbury Township • 14899 Auburn Road • Newbury, OH 44065