Newbury Township has four well kept, attractive cemeteries two of which have sections available for interment of Newbury residents and non-residents.
Both Munn Cemetery, located off of Music St. west of Munn Rd and Newbury Center Cemetery, located off of Auburn Rd. south of Rt. 87 have numerous gravesites available. South Newbury and Morton Cemeteries are only open to those that have family members already interred and space is available (there is no gravesite charge for Morton Cemetery however all other fees apply).
Cemetery arrangements may be made with the Newbury Township Cemetery Sexton. Please call 440-564-5997 or email at
Newbury Township Cemetery Policies/Conditions
Residents and non-residents interested in acquiring a gravesite must agree to the following conditions and regulations attached effective February 1st, 2021.
Cemetery gravesites may be provided as available to Newbury Township residents on a no charge basis, at the time of burial. A deed will be issued to the immediate heir of the deceased. A resident is anyone who is living in Newbury Township at the time of his or her demise or who has relocated outside of the township for the specific purpose of receiving health care. The decision regarding residency status and attached fees and any other considerations will be made at the discretion of the Newbury Township Trustees.
Residents that would like to make pre-burial arrangements may purchase a specific grave site in an open part of the cemetery at any time. A deed will be issued once the purchase is complete and all fees are paid. If the deed is returned to the township and ownership of the gravesite is forfeited in writing, a $150.00 processing fee will be charged and the balance of the original purchase price will be refunded. Proof of purchase will be required by the township in order to receive a refund.
Gravesites may be for sale to non-residents, a deed will be issued and the cemetery map marked once the purchase is complete and all fees are collected. If the deed is returned to the township and ownership of the gravesite is forfeited in writing, a $150.00 processing fee will be charged and the balance of the original purchase price will be refunded. Proof of
purchase will be required in order to receive a refund.
Charges for opening and closing of graves will be assessed in all cases. Payment for pouring of headstone footer must be made before a headstone may be placed (veterans markers are exempted from this charge).
When purchasing a gravesite (s) at the residential rate a name for each plot and proof of residency in Newbury Township for each plot must be provided.
Newbury Township Cemeteries are provided for and maintained for Newbury Township residents. Ownership of any plot (s) is not to be traded, bartered or transferred by the original purchaser to anyone. If the owners needs change the township may buy the plot (s) at the original purchase price with proof of purchase less any administrative fees.
Newbury Township Cemetery policies, fees, conditions and regulations are subject to change or modification by the Newbury Board of Trustees, or as dictated by the Ohio Revised Code.

download cemetery policy >
Newbury Township Cemetery Fees
Service Description |
Resident |
Non-resident |
Gravesite (deceased) |
No-charge |
$1,500.00 |
Gravesite (pre-arranged) |
$300.00 |
$1,500.00 |
Open/Closing of grave weekdays |
Full Burial |
$450.00 |
$950.00 |
Cremains |
$200.00 |
$350.00 |
There will be a charge of $100.00 for each additional urn during a single open and closing.
There will be an additional charge of $150.00 for opening and closings after 2:00 pm.
There will be an additional charge of $250.00 for opening and closings after 3:00 pm.
Open/Closing of grave Saturday/Holiday |
Full Burial |
$750.00 |
$1,200.00 |
Cremains |
$400.00 |
$650.00 |
There will be a charge of $100.00 for each additional urn during a single open and closing. |
Disinterment (weekdays only) |
Full Burial |
Cost Determined
on an Individual Basis. |
Cremains |
Headstone bases/footers $75.00 per lineal foot (add 8" to headstone length).
VA markers no charge.
Remove or re-locate headstones $200.00 plus base/footer cost.
Probing to determine status of any burial plot $200.00
All gravesite transactions (deceased or pre-planned) require a $150.00 administrative fee.
Traffic control performed by township employees outside of the cemetery grounds $200.00 per hour. |
Newbury Township Cemetery Regulations
The cemetery sexton will request to see the deed showing ownership of a gravesite as needed.
Cemetery hours are from dawn until dusk.
Burials will not occur on Sundays, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving Day, Labor Day, Christmas Day or the 4th of July unless directed by the Health Department.
Each gravesite may contain one full size casket or one infant casket, one infant and four cremains or one adult full size and four cremains. First cremains will be placed at the west end of the grave (the west end is the "head end"). The husband will be buried in the south grave and the wife in the north grave of two adjacent gravesites unless other arrangements are made. Burials must be at least three feet from a large family headstones, that presently exists in a group of graves.
There will be a $100 charge for each additional urn during a single open and closing. A concrete vault is required for all burials. Wooden vaults are not permitted. (remains must be in a non-degradable urn or vault. Cardboard, fiberboard or similar types of containers are not permitted.
Bodies may be removed from the cemetery with the approval of the Newbury Board of Township Trustees. All expenses involved for the disinterment are required to be paid in advance by advance by the person requesting the removal, subject to sections 517.23 and 517.24
All headstones must be placed on a concrete foundation provided by the township. Foundations will be paid for by the owner of the grave site or person requesting the foundation before installation begins. Headstones must be placed at the west end of the gravesite {head of Grave). The cemetery sexton must approve the design and size of all headstones before installation may begin. Do not remove the wood form from the base, cemetery personnel will remove it.
Note: if more than one interment will be made in one grave, allocations should be made to the headstone in advance so that all names can be incorporated.
Headstone bases will be poured between April 15 and October 15, with the exception that no headstone bases will be set for the period two weeks before Memorial Day.
Maximum size of a headstone will not exceed 65" width {double) or 36" (single), 19" depth, 39" height.
Large headstones, boulders or rocks that cover the entire gravesite are not permitted
Benches, shepherd poles, or any other items not addressed in the regulations must be authorized by the Newbury Township Board of Trustees during a board meeting.
When a family headstone is installed where a military marker is already in place, the military markers will be relocated on the back of the headstone by the headstone company at the families expense.
Newbury Township is not responsible for mounting headstones when delivered by the supplier. This work is the responsibility of the person who ordered the headstone.
A charge of $200.00 and any additional cost for a new footer/base will be charged for any headstone that is removed from a gravesite or moved to another location. This charge will apply if a permanently mounted plaque or base is moved to a new location on the gravesite.
New shrubs, bushes, trees, vines, ground coverings (ivies, pachysandras, etc.) are not permitted as gravesite plantings. Gravesite plantings shall be maintained by the family. Plantings that become overgrown or unsightly will be removed by cemetery personnel. Plantings may be made on the east side of the grave (on the grave) not to exceed more than one foot from the headstone.
Plastic edging, fencing, stones, bricks, etc. are not permitted as part of gravesite plantings.
Artificial flowers are permitted on the gravesite until they become unsightly. Christmas or holiday decorations must be removed by April 1st. Newbury Township is not responsible for damage or theft of any such items and may remove items at the Townships discretion.
Newbury Township and their employees are not responsible for theft or damage to any lights, plantings, decorations, flags, shepherd poles or any other related items.
Pets may not be buried in cemeteries designated for human burial.